Not sure you would classify all the roadways of the South as “blue highways,” but so many meet the definition of less traveled. Roads made charming by forest and beautiful farms. All the time curving their way between. They branch out from the cities to small towns and an uncountable number of even smaller places, just names on a map.

Names like Anvil Rock, Red Hill, Bethune, Buffalo Lick, White Buff, Liberty Hill, and Stoneboro. Most turn out to just be wide spots in the road, but they pull at your curiosity and imagination.

You only find a paragraph or two about these places and images are even harder to understand. So you get in your car and go searching. The Bible even talks about “broad places” along a path where people stopped and sought refuge from straits of various kind. After you have driven the long miles it takes to get to these wide spots, you begin to understand. 

Still you always find something of interest, a picturesque building or open field, the end of a rail line, even people you can meet or help. All making the long miles worth it. Sometimes you take a few photos, other times you only make a mental note as you pass through. 

You tell yourself that you will come back some day, but never do…
