I always strived to approach painting with my camera. Capturing and making a scene as artistic as possible. Wander with my camera I did to this end. Recently I read “The History of Painting and Photography” by Kila Villena in the LOMOGRAPHY  Magazine. It’s an excellent article on how photography has danced between the issues of trying to be painting like vs realistic, to even the long debated question of is it art at all?

The LOMOGRAPHY movement has stretched the discussion. You can use their lo-fi cameras and special film to produce very artful results right from the camera. You start to prize the seemingly out of focus shot and light leaks running every which way. Images it takes a page of words to explain or interpret.

But overtime, you can get overwhelmed. The prints falling like heavy weights on you. Suddenly, your thoughts change about photography. You find yourself longing for the purity of a photo image. One that captures the image as it is, creating an emotion or message in its just being. One that requires no words to explain. Even so, I still keep my artful brush handy. My imaginings reaching for it. My camera at my side…
