Stairway 6 stood in the far corner of the parking garage. No one ever used it, but there was art there. Garages are enigmas of convenience. They are mysterious, unliked and like a puzzle.
Some garages have ruined the looks of downtowns, every city seemed addicted to building them, often at the cost of classic architecture and districts.
Still others are useful appendages of buildings such as malls and mega offices. Affording convenience and entry. No one really likes them though. Seemingly not even the contractors who build them.
Almost to the one, they show roughness in build, unfinished concrete walls, marks here and there. Still if you look close enough, you can find a certain art, born out of the imperfectness.
Viewed as a whole they overwhelm. Only in study of small portions do these visions of art emerge, even in a simple stairway.
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