The South is crisscrossed by many roads. Ones that join major cities, small towns and a thousand places without a name. Some don’t go anywhere, just joining two other roads that do. It makes up part of the charm of this region. You car like your favorite pet wanting to be taken for a walk, to get off the freeway, to explore the small roads. Once in a while you happen upon a road that speaks of history or endeavors of the past. Such is Clarence Secret Road in North Carolina. You would pass it by a hundred times before finally being pulled in by its beauty and charm. The remains of crops coloring the fields, buildings barely standing, each board telling a story in their own language, forgotten with time. Endeavors of man were here, big shows at one time. Crop silos, construction trucks, weigh stations. All standing alone now in untended fields with broken fences. You left to imagine the lives once here. David Young